Staying Physically Active

Whenever exercising, it is important to always stay safe. Children should always be supervised by an adult to avoid major injuries.

Whenever exercising, it is important to always stay safe. Children should always be supervised by an adult to avoid major injuries.

YouTube Playlist of videos

  1. Tips from the World Health Organization Regarding Physical active

    • Children and adolescents aged 5-17 years

      • All children and adolescents should do at least 60 minutes a day of moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity

      • Include activities that strengthen muscle and bone, at least three days per week

      • Doing more than 60 minutes of physical activity every day will provide additional health benefits 

    • Adults aged over 18 years

      • All adults should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity throughout the week, or at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity throughout the week.

      • For additional health benefits, adults should increase their moderate-intensity physical activity to 300 minutes per week, or equivalent.

      • For developing and maintaining musculoskeletal health, muscle-strengthening activities involving major muscle groups should be done on two or more days a week

      • Also, older adults with impaired mobility should do physical activity to enhance balance and prevent falls on three or more days per week.

  2. Other things that can be done to stay physically active:

    • Try exercise classes online

    • Dance to music

    • Play active video games

    • Try skipping rope

    • Walk up and down the stairs 

Different forms of exercise work for people. Try them all out to find the best one for you!

Different forms of exercise work for people. Try them all out to find the best one for you!

There are different ways to build a healthy lifestyle besides exercising. The most important of them being is having a good diet. A good lifestyle includes a balance of both.

There are different ways to build a healthy lifestyle besides exercising. The most important of them being is having a good diet. A good lifestyle includes a balance of both.