Coping with Quarantine

During quarantine, many people may have felt a change in their mental health. Whether your emotions have taken a negative turn, or you are no longer able to cope as you did before, there are still many options to help you during such a difficult time. For many people, connecting with others is a great stress reliever, and interacting with our peers is something that comes naturally and is healthy for us to do. During quarantine, however, we are unable to meet up with others as we had in the past due to safety precautions we must take. There are still many ways to cope such as:

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  • Exercising

  • Partake in-home fitness

  • Take a walk around your neighborhood

  • Journaling/Writing Down How You Feel

    • This is a great way to help you process your emotions

  • Partake in Self Care

    • Self care is a lot more than face masks and mediation! It can come in the form of:

      • Eating healthy

      • Staying hydrated

      • Cleaning your room/environment

  • Reach Out to Others

    • Although social-distancing is still in practice, you can:

      • Connect with others via forums

      • Use apps to stay in contact with friends and family such as Zoom & Houseparty

If your negative emotions persist, do not be afraid to reach out for professional help via a therapist or through other means.