For Parents
Parents can have a lasting impact on a child’s mental health. It is important that as a parent, you create an open, safe environment for your child to talk about their mental wellness. There are many common warning signs that a parent should look out for in their child. Some including, but not limited to:
A sudden lack of interest in things they typically enjoyed
Sudden personality changed
Feelings of hopelessness, anger, etc
Stops caring for responsibilities
Sudden usage of substances
Social Withdraw
No longer communicating with friends
Stops attending social events
Suicidal thoughts and tendencies may also be present in a child. If you or someone you know is having any suicidal thoughts, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at: 1-800-273-8255. Some signs of this are, and not limited to:
Giving away cherished things
Showed signs of negative emotions(refer to list above) and quickly changes back to their “old self”
Packing up things in their room with no real explanation
As stated before, parents have a huge impact on the mental wellness of their children. It is important for parents to keep in mind that a child may not come forward about their mental health due to the fear of not being taken seriously or being misunderstood. Make it clear to your child that their safety is a priority and that their emotions are valid. Make it easier for your child to openly talk to you about how they feel.